Ho’oponopono Prayer

Using the Ho’oponopono prayer is a powerful way to bring closure, set intentions, and align your inner and outer worlds. To engage deeply with this practice, focus on creating sacred space and applying the prayer with heart-centered awareness.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Create a Sacred Space

  • Choose a quiet space where you can be undisturbed. This could be by a window under the new moonlight or a place that feels calming and intentional.

  • Light a candle, burn sage, palo santo, or your preferred incense to cleanse the energy.

  • Place objects of significance nearby, such as crystals, a journal, or a small bowl of water to symbolize renewal.

2. Center Yourself

  • Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

  • Begin with deep breathing to ground yourself. Inhale through the nose for a count of 4, hold for 4, and exhale through the mouth for 6. Repeat until you feel present and calm.

  • Visualize a bright, cleansing light entering your heart center, clearing any lingering heaviness from the year.

3. Call Forth Intention

What are you ready to release, and what seeds do you wish to plant during this new moon cycle?

You can silently ask:

  • "What have I carried that no longer serves me?"

  • "What am I ready to invite into my life?"

4. Recite the Ho’oponopono Prayer with Intention

The prayer consists of four phrases. Speak them slowly and intentionally, directing your focus toward a specific situation, person, or emotion you are ready to address. Stay focussed on one at a time for each situation person or emotion. Don’t forget to include yourself during the process!

The Four Phrases:

  1. "I'm sorry."
    Acknowledge the responsibility for any disharmony or imbalance in your life or relationships. Speak to your higher self, a situation, or the universe.
    Example: "I'm sorry for any way I have contributed to the challenges I’ve experienced this year."

  2. "Please forgive me."
    Ask for forgiveness, not as a plea for validation, but as a release of energetic cords tied to judgment, guilt, or regret.
    Example: "Please forgive me for holding on to patterns that no longer serve my highest good."

  3. "Thank you."
    Express gratitude for the lessons, even those wrapped in challenges, and for the opportunity to grow and renew.
    Example: "Thank you for the wisdom I have gained from this year and for the love and grace in my life."

  4. "I love you."
    Send love to yourself, others, and the divine. This phrase is the essence of alignment and healing.
    Example: "I love you, my inner being, my guides, and all that has supported my journey."

5. Deepen the Practice

  • After each phrase, pause and feel the resonance in your heart.

  • Visualize energy clearing as the phrases cycle through you, washing away the old and making space for the new.

  • If specific memories or emotions surface, let them rise without judgment, and direct the prayer toward them.

6. Seal the Practice

  • Once complete, sit in stillness for a few moments to integrate.

  • Write down any insights, intentions, or affirmations in your journal.

  • If you have water present, drink it as a ritual of renewal, imagining it carrying your intentions into the new cycle.

Affirmation for Closing:

"With love, I release what no longer serves me.

With gratitude, I embrace the wisdom of this year.

With intention, I step into a new cycle of growth, harmony, and abundance."

This practice can be repeated whenever you feel called or in moments when you seek clarity and alignment.


Ecstatic Intimacy: The Sacred Union of Body, Sound, and Spirit


Winter Solstice Portal Offering: The Sacred Spiral of Renewal™